San Francisco 2017

After we were married, Paul and I road tripped to San Francisco, California for our honeymoon. Paul had been there three times and it was my first time visiting the city. He loves it there and was so excited to show me around. It is a unique and fun city and I loved seeing everything it had to offer.

The first day we were in California we went through Muir Woods and visited Muir Beach and entered the city on the Golden Gate Bridge from the North instead of going through Oakland. On our way down, though, we passed through the cute tourist town of Sausalito.

We just walked around there for a bit, looking in book shops, hanging out by the boats, and stopped for a quick bite of ice cream. Sadly, I don't remember the name of the ice cream place but we got three scoops to share. We got chocolate, cookie, and cinnamon with whipped cream, chocolate chips, caramel, and nuts. It was a dream. I can't think of a better way to start out a trip than with a little frozen dessert!

Later that week we explored Golden Gate Park and the neighboring street of Haight Ashbury. There were fun, historical stores and also some fun eateries. We grabbed lunch at this whole-in-the-wall place called Burger Urge. I don't know what makes a burger for you, but for me it is the bun. I hate it when it gets all soggy and falls apart. This place had a perfect hamburger bun. It was crisp and tasty. 

We also got an order of garlic fries and, along with being a huge portion, they tasted just like garlic bread. I am not exaggerating, I am not kidding. They were so good. And you wouldn't think it from the outside but it was so good and so fun. My husband loved it especially because of the little guitars that decorated the ceiling.

After Haight Ashbury, we headed toward the Financial District to see the architecture over there and see the Painted Ladies. Both my husband and I got a pretty big sweet tooth and started scavenging for a dessert place. We found this cute Nitrogen ice cream place called Smitten Ice Cream.  Most places that I have been like this are a build-your-own ice cream but this one had their own flavors. We got cookie dough with chocolate chips and pretzels. I thought it was going to be good but I loved it more than I thought I would. It had the texture of cookie dough! and the pretzels...don't even get me started. I love the sweet-salty combo.

The next day we took a risk and went to the Mission District for a restaurant I saw on Pinterest and desperately wanted to go to. Paul went as a good sport for me but once we got there, he was the one that fell in love. We got lunch at the Deli Board, a local sandwich shop. They use fresh baked rolls and fill their sandwiches with meat and fillings. They give you a complimentary pickle (that is super thick) with each scrumptious sandwich. Paul was also feeling nostalgic and got a coke that reminded him of his two years living in Mexico. It ended up being a fun little adventure!

And what is a trip to San Fran if you don't go to Ghirardelli Square? Not going to lie, this was my favorite stop on our trip. They gave us a free caramel chocolate square then we went to their little dessert restaurant. While you wait in line they have some machines going showing customers how the chocolate is made. It looked so creamy.

Paul decided to get the Treasure Island, vanilla ice cream with hot fudge, a brownie, and whipped cream. I got the Painted Ladies, cookies and cream ice cream with chocolate chip cookie crumbles, and whipped cream.

Just a side note: leading up to getting married Paul and swore off sweets until the day of our wedding. We did really good with it despite occasional cheat days. so getting to SF was the first time we ate sweets without any guilt ;P Anyways, I took a bite of Paul's brownie before eating my ice cream and I am pretty sure that I died and went to heaven. I think that was the most delicious thing I've ever eaten in my life. Both were amazing but I really think I tasted heaven in that brownie.

We ended our trip with a highly anticipated seafood dinner on the Wharf. We shared our two meals and we each had a lobster tail, two shrimp, some salmon, veggies, fries, and sourdough garlic bread. I let Paul have his own adventure of trying swordfish with his meal. I wasn't really all that interested. He said he didn't really like it so just dowsed it in sauce and ate it first. It was the first time either of us had eaten lobster and we were both pleasantly surprised. It has a similar texture to shrimp but is more satisfying. Maybe because it is not as small as shrimp. Everything had a grill flavor to it, which I actually enjoyed.

Other things we did in SF is of course we saw the bridge! We went down the Chrissy Fields under the bridge, visited Marin headlands and the batteries up there, walked along the piers, walked from the golden gate bridge to golden gate park (my feet died that day and Paul and I definitely stuffed our tired faces full of pizza that night), we went out to see the 16th tiled steps, we went to Chinatown, the temple for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in Oakland. We also went to Lombard Street, and got to go to Alcatraz and have an audio tour there.


I loved my honeymoon and will never forget all the fun I had there with my best friend.
